Cisco - 100-490-RSTECH Certification Exam Details, Questions and Answers
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100-490-RSTECH: Supporting Cisco Routing & Switching Network DevicesNumber of questions (in our database)
61Updated on
25 January 2024Topics
Understanding the Importance of Cisco's 100-490-RSTECH: Supporting Cisco Routing & Switching Network Devices Certification Exam
Exam Details
The 100-490-RSTECH: Supporting Cisco Routing & Switching Network Devices is a high-stakes certification exam designed to measure the technical knowledge and skills of networking professionals. This exam is a key component of Cisco's Routing and Switching track, widely recognized and respected in the industry.
Technical Details of the Exam
The exam consists of a blend of various question types including multiple-choice single answer, multiple-choice multiple answers, drag and drop, fill in the blank, and simulations. The test duration is around 90 minutes, with additional time for completing the non-scored sections.
Importance of the Exam
High passing rates and global recognition make this certification a valuable asset for IT professionals. The certification validates the recipient's knowledge and skills in supporting Cisco devices, making them more valuable to employers.
Measured Skills
Here are the key skills measured by the exam:
- Diagnosing and repairing hardware and software issues on Cisco networks.
- Installing and configuring Cisco's routing and switching devices.
- Performing regular maintenance on Cisco devices.
- Understanding and applying network protocols and security procedures.
- Applying troubleshooting techniques and tools to quickly resolve network issues.
Preparation Advices
Thorough preparation is crucial to passing the exam. Prospective candidates should familiarize themselves with the exam objectives and format, create a study schedule, use a variety of study materials, and take the practice exams to prepare effectively.
Exam Topics
Network Fundamentals (10% - 20%)
- OSI model
- IPv4 and IPv6 addressing
- Subnetting
- Routing protocols
Infrastructure Management (5% - 10%)
- Device monitoring
- Network troubleshooting
- Network management protocols
- Configuration management
Infrastructure Security (10% - 20%)
- Device hardening
- Port security
- Firewalls
Infrastructure Services (10% - 20%)
- ACLs
- QoS
- Syslog
WAN Technologies (10% - 20%)
- VPN technologies
- WAN optimization
Routing Technologies (20% - 30%)
- Routing protocols (RIP, OSPF, EIGRP)
- Static routing
- Route redistribution
- Route summarization
LAN Switching Technologies (15% - 25%)
- Spanning Tree Protocol
- EtherChannel
- Inter-VLAN routing
- Switch security
Common 100-490-RSTECH Exam Questions
What are the two components of a WAN connection?
What bits indicate the boot field in the configuration register value?
Which cable has reversed sequence of colored wires at each end?
What command at the interface configuration prompt returns you to the main configuration prompt?
Which Cisco CPAK module supports Multimode Fiber cable for 100GBASE?