About the Certification Exam
The Microsoft's AZ-801 certification exam is designed to measure the ability to accomplish technical tasks related to configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services. This exam is of great importance for professionals who want to validate their knowledge and skills in this domain.
Why is this Certification Exam Important?
This certification exam is crucial for IT professionals as it validates their skills in configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services. Passing this exam demonstrates that the professional is capable of implementing, managing, and monitoring security and compliance solutions for Microsoft 365 and hybrid environments.
Technical Details
The exam primarily focuses on the implementation, management, and monitoring of security and compliance solutions for Microsoft 365 and hybrid environments. It also tests the ability of the candidate to deploy and configure server infrastructure, manage identities, and access management solutions.
Measured Skills
- Deploying and Configuring Server Infrastructure
- Implementing, Managing, and Monitoring Security and Compliance Solutions for Microsoft 365 and Hybrid Environments
- Managing Identities and Access Management Solutions
Preparation Advices
One of the best ways to prepare for the Microsoft's AZ-801 certification exam is to take advantage of the study materials available online. Furthermore, hands-on experience in configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services can significantly help in understanding the exam topics better.